Transformation Vol. 2: Serving the Infinite - eBook

Transformation Vol. 2: Serving the Infinite - eBook

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Seeds of Shift for the Aquarian Age - Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.

“The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is transformation.” –Yogi Bhajan

To serve is a gift. It frees us from our ego and allows us to unfold and connect, beyond ourselves, to the group, and ultimately to infinity. Serving Infinity takes us on a journey, through intuition and insight, to our relationship with others, and ultimately to an experience of our purpose where we heal and uplift everyone we touch. The ability to serve is a signal of our growing spiritual maturity. As Aquarian teachers and healers, our service is a gift, the fruit of our practice, and the jewel of our own inner transformation.

As in Volume 1, these 86 Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations come from the Transformation: Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training Courses and are designed to help you deepen your personal practice and experience of infinity. Many of the kriyas and meditations contained herein have been specially selected for Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training and have never been published before. Practice something new or master something familiar with this exceptional collection from the Kundalini Research Institute.

Chapters in Transformation Volume Two: Serving the Infinite include:

Preparing for the Age of Aquarius
Trust your intuition and insight
experience of the Naad
Open the heart and revitalize love
Communication: speaking and listening
Connect and identify with your own infinity
Project your purpose
experience group consciousness
overcome crises
Heal the self &/ heal the world.

Transformation Volume Two: Serving the Infinite is designed to be useful not only for your personal practice, but also for Kundalini yoga teachers. Develop workshops, plan themed 6-week courses, or create custom sadhanas with ease. Using individual chapters or combining multiple chapters will give you unlimited possibilities.

Also available: Transformation Volume One: Mastering the Self

154 pages
Language: English


  • ePubi, for all common eBook readers
  • Mobile, for Kindle eBooks
ISBN: 978-1-934532-39-3

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