Crossing the Crossroads of Crisis - Yogi Bhajan - eBook

Crossing the Crossroads of Crisis - Yogi Bhajan - eBook

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This book contains the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Women in Training XII, 1987 taught in the context of the summer women's camps. Great material that is incredibly inspirational, filled with hope and advice for the women who want to raise not only their own consciousness but that of humanity as a whole.

"Crises do come. They shall come. They will fight you. And you will win. And they will let you win. The beauty of the crisis is they will let you win, if you just persist. Because if crisis does not let you win, then there is nothing to win. If the crisis starts winning, you all start getting defeated, then what is the game? If you get defeated at one crisis, when the second crisis comes you are not going to touch it. Then where will the crisis go, into the ocean? The only way to win the crisis is go into silence and smile. If you want to score, ignore. In body language, that's the exact look. Nobody can do anything to you. Just keep on looking like that. The other person wants to freak out. Don't be ignorant, but have the knowledge to ignore crisis. With a smile you can win the world; with a frown you can lose it. ”

It is only available as an e-book.

706 pages
Language: English


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