Owner's Manual for the Human Body - Harijot Kaur - eBook

Owner's Manual for the Human Body - Harijot Kaur - eBook

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We all want to know how to maintain, strengthen and improve the functions of our most important vehicle - our body.

Kundalini Yoga offers techniques that improve our body and its functions, so that we can achieve the highest level of performance in every situation and every phase of life, even into old age.

The practical Kundalini Yoga manual Owner's Manual for the Human Body contains 28 amazing Kundalini Yoga sets as taught by Yogi Bhajan that maximize the performance of every system in our beautiful human body.

Compiled by Harijot Kaur, checked for authenticity and published by the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI), USA.

50 pages
Language: English


  • ePubi, for all common eBook readers
  • Mobile, for Kindle eBooks
ISBN: 978-1-934532-40-9

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